Will it still be trendy to publicly hate Meta/Facebook in 2023?
resolved Jan 1
Meta/Facebook has incurred an overwhelming amount of negative publicity on their platforms, services, policies and leadership over the past few years despite (or because of) its vast and intensive usership. Will this public hate continue into 2023? Resolution is subjective and based on sentiment from social media posts, media coverage, government regulation, etc. This question will resolve as YES if public opinion is still negative on January 1, 2023. This question will resolve as NO if either: 1) the company is no longer mentioned often in mainstream media, social media, government inquiries and so on; or 2) the company starts receiving praise for whatever reason. Close date updated to 2022-06-30 11:59 pm Mar 15, 12:51pm: To clarify, this question will not resolve until Jan 2023. In the original description, I use the phrasing "starts receiving praise," by which I mean the question will resolve NO if FB receives significant praise that carries through to the new year and balances out much of the negative sentiment. Thanks for sticking with this as I work through the kinks of these "vibe" questions that I think this platform is perfect for.
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bought Ṁ1 of NO
Thanks Isaac, you're right, I'll clarify. I'd consider resolving as NO but I think the spirit of the question is rather clear, which is to consider the general trajectory of sentiment come Jan 2023. If people are still praising FB for allowing violent rhetoric (which I'd actually challenge, I think the public's feelings on that are mixed at best), then it'll resolve as NO.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
The description says "This question will resolve as NO if [...] the company starts receiving praise for whatever reason.", which has happened. I assume that what you meant to say was something more like "if the company is receiving praise on January 1, 2023". You might want to edit the description to more accurately reflect how you're going to resolve the question.
sold Ṁ18 of NO
Okay. That was worth a try.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
Yeah this question won't resolve early as it chiefly concerns sentiment in 2023.
bought Ṁ1 of YES
@Yev no!? there's still 9 months for the fashions to shift back.
bought Ṁ20 of NO
Meta started receiving praise for allowing violent rhetoric against Russia. So the market should resolve NO early?
bought Ṁ2 of NO
Eh, I could see it going out of news cycle if we've got war to focus on