I went to my first class on February 23, 2023 and attended my 103rd class this morning. Most of this year was on a 2x/week plan, though I switched to unlimited in November with the goal of going 3x/week.
Logic would say I should easily hit 200 next year, but the wrench is that my wife is expecting our first child mid-next year, which could totally up-end any of this.
I'm motivated to keep it up and really enjoy doing it, but fully acknowledge that having our first baby makes certain aspects a complete unknown. I don't have a history of injuries, but I do have a history of completely dropping habits I get out of the groove on.
New to creating questions, please ask for any necessary clarification. I'll try to remember to post at least monthly updates.
I won't bet on this market due to the obvious conflict of interest.
@Quroe thanks! I usually don't update until the 15th of the month, but looks like you got pretty good deal - just a few more...likely will hit the goal by end of September barring a freak accident