How much Mana will be donated before the pivot?
May 16

You can donate Mana now, at $1/Ṁ100. After the pivot, Mana can be purchased for Ṁ1000/$1, and donated at $0.95/Ṁ1000. At least according to the announcement so far.

So there's basically a 10x to donate Mana by the end of April, along with many other reasons to donate.

How much will be donated? This will resolve to the running total on, unless a better number is published by Manifold staff.

FYI, the number was $180,783 when I first heard about the pivot announcement yesterday.

If the pivot is delayed, this will extend until the purchase rate for Mana changes.

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Is it mana or $?
Also is it total or increase from 180783?

@ChristopherRandles this will resolve to the total.

Mana where my mouth is

@robm I will not bet in this market, because my balance is Ṁ0