If I try to claim the $FLT developer airdrop, will it be worth the gas fees?
Jun 21

More info about the airdrop is here https://claim.fluence.network/ - you can type in my github username, "DavidBuchanan314", and see that I am eligible (somehow - I wouldn't call myself a web3 developer lol).

The contract is here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x6081d7F04a8c31e929f25152d4ad37c83638C62b

If I do decide to claim the tokens, I'll try to "cash out" to USD(T) at the nearest reasonable opportunity, since I have little interest in holding a random token I've never heard of. Will the USD value I gain from this whole process outweigh the gas/transaction fees involved?

I haven't done much research myself (I don't know what gas fees to expect, nor the value of $FLT), and I'm hoping I can use this market to trick people into gathering the relevant information for me :P

If I decide not to claim the tokens, or can't figure out how to, this market resolves to N/A

If I claim the tokens but decide to HODL $FLT (I consider this highly unlikely), the market will also resolve to N/A

If I try to claim the tokens and something goes wrong (including if the whole thing is a scam!), resulting in the loss of funds, the market resolves NO

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I went through the process on an airgapped VM and got 5000 "FLT-DROP" for ~$10 of gas fees (actually $20 because I accidentally sent the transaction twice). Apparently now I have to wait 2 months before I can convert FLT-DROP into real FLT.