Will I waste money in November?
resolved Nov 20

This market is an experimental commitment device. It will be resolved YES, if in retrospect, I regard an action as a waste of money, or if I deliberately waste money on something. It is crucial that I either cannot or do not want to undo the waste of money.

I will decide subjectively what I consider a waste, small amounts may not be enough.

The main aim is to avoid impulse buying, but other scenarios are conceivable, for example, if I accidentally leave the stove on for hours.

As the realisation after the waste of money is the decisive factor, the market will be resolved with a few days delay.

I will not bet on this market.

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Wanted to buy almonds on special offer today. I accidentally chose the wrong ones and spent around €4 too much. It's not a lot, but I was annoyed enough about it to justify resolving this market.

Honestly, this market didn't change my spending behavior one bit. Living frugally is already a kind of game for me anyway, I don't need any additional motivation.

bought Ṁ5 YES

check out the new mac mini m4s, you need one right?

bought Ṁ5 YES from 46% to 48%

@Ehrenmann My 7-year-old ThinkPad T460p is still working perfectly. ❤

Could you give us an idea of your past performance? Do you often think you have wasted money in the sense described in the question?

@dbohdan I'm already quite frugal. Saving money is a kind of sport for me. I sometimes lack discipline though, especially when it comes to online shopping. Recent examples for a waste of money were a second VPN subscription and a game on Steam that I don't really play. Then there are a number of kitchen items I recently bought that I'm not sure I really need.

Personally, I think that there's a high likelihood that I will be able to avoid wasting money in November. I'm curious how this market will affect my spending behavior.

bought Ṁ20 NO from 40% to 33%
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