Will Kamala Harris’ VP Pick be Kelly or Shapiro (YES), or neither of them (NO)?
resolved Aug 6

The two favorites for Kamala’s running mate are currently Mark Kelly and Josh Shapiro. It is reported, Kamala will choose before August 7th.

This market resolves YES if/when Kamala Harris announces her pick for running mate being either Mark Kelly or Josh Shapiro.

This market resolves NO if/when Kamala Harris announces anyone else being her running mate.

I will wait until the pick is confirmed by Kamala herself to resolve this.

comment if you have any questions or news 💙

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mod suggestion: remove the “or neither of them” from the title. Right now the title asks two questions with opposite answers!

then it would read like Kelly or Shapiro or N/A but i want people to know its not gonna N/A at first glance.

Hmm, I guess it’s a little confusing also due to the multiple meanings of “or”. What are your thoughts on these options:

  • Will Kamala Harris’s VP Pick be either Kelly or Shapiro?

  • Will Kamala Harris’s VP Pick be one of the two frontrunners (Kelly, Shapiro)?

  • Will Kamala Harris’s VP Pick be one of the following: Kelly, Shapiro?

thank you for the suggestions i appreciate it a lot. I think i made it less confusing now

Thanks! Current title looks great