Will i create an alpha version of my game before summer solstice?
resolved Jun 22

it should be a somewhat up-to-date version of endgame:singularity (http://www.emhsoft.com/singularity), if anyone has heard about it. i am using gpt-4 as code generator and so far it seems to be good at coding tasks (like it literally creates more than half of the code for me and i am just nudging it/ feeding it error logs).

alpha version will be defined as at least the following:

1) the game being completable (all main technologies from tech tree up to and including the final one being researchable, creating/destroying/modifying bases of all major types works as intended, humans' behaviour is written and you can in principle lose the game to them).

2) game has technical parts working right (working save/load, some basic settings, does not crash out of blue most of the time etc.)

3) public release of that alpha version to some type of game marketplace (itch.io?) so that people will be able to see it. i plan on making it free initially

each day i will buy yes shares on 100 mana to encourage myself to finish it in time. also i'll probably post updates in the comments, but no guarantees on this one

summer solstice chosen as a random significant point in the future ~a month from now

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predicted NO

rooting for you to release it, post a link here when you're done!

predicted YES

Sadly this is not gonna resolve yes, since it does not have save/load functions, and some other features (like full research tree) are still missing. This obviously turned out to be more complex than i thought for my first serious project, and mid-way i also somehow got a desire to rework the "research" tab with tech tree to be literally in form of a tree with each node having its own small pictogram - with the consequences of drawing/finding fitting images for everything

Now, i still want to release it someday, but most likely only when it will be in a more finished and polished state. I will throw the link here and probably somewhere else when it will be fully ready

predicted NO

@paleink looking forward to it. keep trooping on and thanks for the mana!

predicted NO

Iโ€™m predicting no but I am rooting for you :)

predicted NO

Just a few hours left! Howโ€™s it going?

predicted NO

@AlexWilson Looks like this doesn't close until midnight PST tomorrow. Prob not gonna hear much if paleink is pushing hard so we'll just have to guess!

predicted NO

@Stralor Doesnโ€™t close then, but the language would suggest itโ€™s over before the solstice starts which is Wed morning. Donโ€™t think anyone clarified exact timing earlier though.

predicted NO

@Stralor hmm this closed earlier than I thought. must have misread it, might have been noon instead of midnight. eager to see the results!

predicted NO

I hope it's going well. Don't burn yourself out on crunch for just an alpha! (But still, rooting for you with all my NO shares)

predicted YES

@Stralor things are going slowly, but i still hope for some minimum viable game in ~a week or so

bought แน€3 of NO

I hope it's going well! I'm bearish on game release dates and this is too high and juicy to pass up though ๐Ÿ˜„

predicted NO

@Stralor any updates?

bought แน€200 of YES

it is going good though, ~half of everything i wanted is ready

predicted NO

@paleink nice! looking forward to seeing whatever it is you come up with

predicted YES

@Stralor bases are set up and their logic is written in full, list of possible research upgrades/tech tree is done (only on paper though), will be making it on sunday
so far human behaviour and save/load is not implemented at all