Will Duelyst II have a higher All-Time Peak Users than Duelyst I?
resolved Jan 1

Duelyst II is a relicensing and re-release of Duelyst I by members of the community. You can read more about it in PCGamer: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/duelyst-2s-free-public-beta-revives-duelysts-cracking-chess-like-card-play

The original game was shut down in February 27th, 2020 with an all-time peak of 2,372 concurrent users as per https://steamdb.info/app/291410/graphs/

The revival was re-released in open beta in December 17th, 2022: https://twitter.com/Duelyst2/status/1604159494824542208 and has a peak, as December 23rd, of 1,978 concurrent users.

This market resolves to YES if by the closing date Duelyst II has a higher All-Time Peak users than 2,372, measured by https://steamdb.info/app/2004320/graphs/

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Being the worst S rank from OG Duelyst, I can tell you that the new one has a . . . monomaniacal focus on competitive balance that is admirable (compared to the original) but makes the meta's progression pretty glacial as they are very slow about adding new cards and the opening pool was small to begin with. Which is to say, I played the first for thousands of hours, but this one couldn't hold me for more than like 100 or so. I've been meaning to go back sometime soon and see what they're up to now, though.

Great market