Will Destiny complete the Factorio Space Exploration mod? (Permanent)
resolved Dec 21

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Proof Of YES Resolution

@dgga He didn't complete it did he? Or was this question asking what I watched him complete live on stream?

If it isn't what I watched him complete, than I believe he started it @EvanDaniel but I have not been watching too much lately after he went back to other uninteresting games (Kick or Keep is great though if you watch those episodes).

@SirCryptomind yeah he completed the "soft" ending but not the extended bonus ending. Not sure which this market is about, but judging by the date (3 months before he actually got to the ending), and the fact that most of the bonus ending markets back then were explicitly marked as bonus ending, I'd guess this one is for the soft ending. I'd feel pretty safe resolving this YES.

@dgga Thanks Resolved.

Any other DGG markets, just tag me and Ill get them resolved.
Does the DGG community want someone like JohnLeoks type DGG Markets?
I can start running those again or does the DGG community not care too much about Manifold?

@traders Anyone want to suggest how this should resolve? Did he complete the mod, should the close date be extended?

@onemodog Can this resolve now?

predicted YES

@onemodog Just looking through closed but unresolved markets. Suggestions:

  • if this was a quick meme or poll, resolve “N/A”,

  • if this is a proper prediction or a meme that you want to run longer, extend the deadline, maybe add some resolution criteria (e.g. if he actually finishes it resolves “YES”), and reopen.

Right now it keeps people’s mana locked up in bets no one can do anything with.

Cheers dggL

Why is this permanent?

Will Destiny complete the Factorio Space Exploration mod? (Permanent), 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition