Will the next Wintergatan Marble Machine be used on a tour before 2030?

Phrased differently: will Martin Molin (whether alone or with others, as Wintergatan or using a different name) begin a tour before 31 dec 2030 , and play at least two songs on each concert using a marble machine that roughly looks like the current (spring 2024) plans as seen on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcXhhVwCT6_WqjkEniejRJQ)

A machine that looks similar but does not use marbles or other round objects to play the music does not count.

Using a marble machine to play one single song or just as some sort of background rhythm or ambient sound does not count.

Martin does not have to build or design the entire machine by himself. He can take as much or as little help from others as he likes.

This is not a question about whether he will ever manage to make a marble machine that works very well. If the machine works and plays music for a small audience or just for youtube videos it does not count. If it is finished after 2030 it does not count.

I originally thought about phrasing the question as "world tour" rather than just "tour", as a world tour is one of his stated goals, but I think this would be hard to define well enough.

Tour is here defined as "at least two (2) scheduled appearances in different cities".

The music played by the marble machine does NOT need to be new (post 2023) compositions. If the machine only plays songs from Wintergatans first album, that is okay.

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