Manifold to let markets close some time before resolving?
resolved Jan 1

Currently I'm pestered by notifications about resolving my closed market even though it may not be resolved until january 2030. I will probably resolve N/A just to not having these email and on-site notifications keep bugging me every week for the next 7 years.

This could be avoided simply by having the possibility to set separate dates for close and (estimated latest) resolution.

Why would I not want to allow people to bet all the way until resolution?

Because I like the prediction part of prediction markets more than I like the "last minute huge safe bet" part, where people can make big bucks (well, fake bucks at this point) just by being quick to bet on the correct option after the fact but before the market maker has been able to resolve the market...

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So a Don't remind me again until date option on the notifications would cause this market to resolve yes?

predicted YES

@ChristopherRandles It would effectively be a workaround that would be acceptable to me. So yes, that will make it a "yes".

bought แน€10 of YES

Could also go well with an "default resolve = NA/to market" option letting you specify a way to resolve automatically if you don't do it or explicitly postpone resolution say a month after the last resolve date...