Will this market have a bot account bet on it before close && will this market have at least 6 human users submit a trade? (run 5)
resolved Jan 29

(Check Exploit for previous runs)

This is a silly picking-pennies-up-off-the-ground attack on some automated traders as they apparently currently exist. Getting 6 (human) participants implies that I'm picking up pennies off the ground for every run of this market (+$M10 from the system bonus) and you're picking up pennies off the ground that an easily-taunted trading bot drops on the floor. You're effectively betting against the bots' programming getting more sophisticated before close (assuming someone bothers to try to attack the bots somehow).

May close early if YES.

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Two bots have placed trades; needs 4 human users

bought Ṁ20 of YES

@nfd are you not participating in the market?

@firstuserhere if i do, the (instantaneous at the time it could resolve YES) result is strictly breakeven for me, so i prefer to provide an impetus for more non-bot accounts to trade. but if it looks like it'll resolve NO and i can tip it YES, i'll add a trade.

seems like that provides more of an impetus to participate in general to me; i could just e.g. add a massive YES bet seconds before resolving, but then nobody has a real incentive to spend the time to click YES anymore. i'm also typically getting less system-profit than the top traders on these markets, as a result.

you could think of Acceleration, as the house bot, as a bot working to offset mana inflation from the system incentives. so by gaming the system to get small amounts of tips/robbing the bots when appropriate, i'm causing very small-scale inflation. when Acceleration wins (i.e. bets YES, given how these markets have been going so far), it's usually just robbing other bots (which i think is funny) and weakly removing incentives to click on these markets. but around now the going still seems good; if i did a couple of these a day, i think lots of people could beat their daily bonus in market profit

bought Ṁ139 of YES

@nfd Oh so you wait for it to be at 100%?

@Simon1551 no, i get to it when i get to it. and if traders are clearly still trying to/have some sort of opportunity to eke more of a profit while i'm looking at it i might just wait around a little longer

bought Ṁ62 of YES

@Simon1551 you may like this market