How does The Pivot effect the the interest rate until...?
23 October, 2024 (Noon UTC)
23 April, 2025 (Noon UTC)
23 April, 2026 (Noon UTC)

All options will resolve NO at the stated time (I don't guarantee being online at the precise second). Maybe future researchers will be able to use this question to study the Mana-economic effects of The Pivot. Feel free to propose other resolve dates that might be interesting.


In particular:

> To that end, the mana purchase rate of $1 will rise from M100 to M1,000. Our tentative plan is for Prize Points to also be in the realm of 1000 : 1 to USD once cashouts are enabled. This is a one-off change to ensure that we will be able to financially back any prizes we issue in the future.

> Users will be able to donate their mana at the existing rate of M100 : $1 for the next week before it becomes M1000 : $1 as we switch over to the new system. There will be no donation cap going forward and Manifold looks forward to donating tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars this week to charities of your choice.

> One week may not be enough time for users with larger portfolios to liquidate and donate. We want to work individually with anyone who feels like they are stuck in this situation and honor their expected returns and agree on an amount they can donate at the original 100:1 rate past the one week deadline once the relevant markets have resolved.

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