Who I'll be dating by the end of 2023?
resolved Nov 28
no one 😭
Someone who hasn't consented to having their name listed on this market
Jamie Lee Curtis
Qualy the lightbulb
Maggie Smith
Levina Finkelstein

I want this market to help me find people I'd be excited to date. I'm 23 (was born in 2000), and bi.

The market resolves to the person I'm dating at the end of 2023 if they're suggested as an answer. If I'm not dating anyone, the market resolves to N/A (the "no one 😭" answer is a way to subsidise the market). If I'm dating someone not listed on the market, and I consider a holder of the "Someone who hasn't consented to having their name listed on this market"-like position to have significantly contributed to me ending up dating that person, the market resolves to that; otherwise it resolves to N/A.

(If you don't expect people to consent to publicly appear on this market, please use hashes of their names instead and DM me the names)

A selfie:

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Resolved to N/A: doesn’t seem to work, feel free to suggest matches on manifold.love; also I offer a m$10k bounty if you privately send me a name of someone and we end up dating long term.

bought Ṁ4 of Levina Finkelstein

How about a bit of matchmaking here

@42irrationalist I appreciate the attempt! But judging by their Twitter profile photo, I don’t think I’d want to date them

Can you give more info on your criteria in the market description ?

@Aelerinya I clarified the resolution criteria in the description

@ms My bad. I meant which kind of person you would like to date 😉

bought Ṁ1 of be2482d78935844b89cc...

Why wouldn't I bet on a weird hash from some mysterious string? Literally no reason, betting on you, be2482d78935844b89cc0a04c8d70f92

@42irrationalist 😭😭😭 but if I don’t know who it is how would I end up dating them

@ms Not my problem! I'm still betting on this weird mysterious hash!

bought Ṁ25 of be2482d78935844b89cc...

@42irrationalist I'm convinced

bought Ṁ7 of be2482d78935844b89cc...

@Fivelidz your conviction convinces me to buy more of this hash

You can use md5 hashes of people's names

(but you need to DM me the names or it doesn't make sense)

bought Ṁ1 of be2482d78935844b89cc...

@ms I think it should be fine if people only DM the names at the end of the year; I can imagine that there would be a lot of people who are fine with having their names here, but who don't want you to know that their name is here unless you end up dating them

@ms you can literally break an md5 hash

@ms actually, for this use case, it's probably fine. The only real risk is brute forcing/rainbow tables which are probably only possible for short names.

@TomShlomi if a prediction doesn't positively influence the outcome by existing, there's no point. So I think I either want people to DM me the names or prove at the end of the year that they've somehow helped me end up dating the person I'm dating

@ZZZZZZ people can add some short random strings after the full names before hashing, should probably be fine

bought Ṁ2,000 of no one 😭

(If the person is not on the list, the market resolves to N/A)

bought Ṁ100 of no one 😭

Feel free to suggest people and get M$!

bought Ṁ1 of Someone who hasn't c...

@ms I'd recommend clarifying that people shouldn't be added without their consent

@TomShlomi hmm probably good idea

oh no 🤣