resolved Oct 29

Yes = Buy
No = Short
In two days, M$ is paid out to the side with the majority percentage

(<50% = "No" Wins; >50% = "Yes" Wins)

Description through examples:

  • If the "yes"-vote gets a majority at the end, and you voted "yes" while 90 % had also voted yes, you get a low payout (your orbiter behaved predictably).

  • If the "yes"-vote gets a majority at the end, and you voted "yes" while 10 % also had voted yes, you get a big payout (your orbiter made a comeback).

  • If the "yes"-vote gets a minority at the end, and you voted "yes", you get no payout (you made a bad investment).

Oct 26, 8:06am: MrGirl Stock → MrGirl Stock (2 days)

Close date updated to 2022-10-29 11:59 pm

Get Ṁ200 play money

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predicted NO

BRUH I actually demand a refund this is so fucked

predicted YES

I'm giving some free mana to everyone who lost more that M$100 on this market.
@8THOT @dgg4life @aphotic @DennisYaitskov @Daniel_ If you leave a comment below, I'll tip you.

predicted YES

Also the first 20 people to click on this link will get M$50! https://manifold.markets/link/re4nztBH

predicted NO

@Yev 🦕

The Hedge Funds won.

predicted NO


predicted YES

@freelilmeme Muahahaha 🦹

evil stock trader laughing
predicted NO

Mr. Girl said he's done being an orbiter, and the stock was risking.

bought Ṁ60 of NO

Mr. girl getting anally gaped and this stock rising? I'm going to commit demostic terrorism on these damn hedge funds.

predicted NO

(((Hedge Funds)))

predicted NO

If this pre-conversation isn't enough to shift more no voters DGG is truly lost.

predicted NO

@Stiletto7de8a There's almost 30k of limits from outside of DGG, we're never gonna win lol

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@GravyGnome They'll start selling when he starts getting destroyed in this convo Mrgirl SHORTERS HOLD

you guys really gonna trust in $mrgirl after he tries to manipulate the market by forcing favorable presentation and undermining our brave mods?

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@BigBonny I don't know who this MrGirl is that everyone keeps talking about, but I promise he is not responsible for this market manipulation.

This Stock will be closed and paid out at an undisclosed time shortly after the MrGirl & Destiny discussion has ended today.

bought Ṁ1,914 of YES

@memestiny Fine, I'll tranche now rather than 2 seconds before close

bought Ṁ560 of NO

@Yev You are Coping hard my friend MrGirl will go cray about how Destiny isnt being nice to Lav time to sell friend

predicted YES

Fuck I'm listening to the convo with Mr. Girl and Sondsol and i think it can somehow go below 15%

predicted NO

@SaxTiger I hear it was bad news for MrGirl bulls

predicted YES

@Jetbat What's scary is that at 15%, a 5% drop is a 1/3 drop in profits. On the other hand a single positive conversation with Steve can swing it back to 50%. A very volatile investment to keep an eye on for this upcoming conversation (if it comes up soon).

predicted NO

@SaxTiger They are having another talk tomorrow so your wish might be granted

bought Ṁ16 of YES

Contrarian in me can't help but buy yes for 15%.

Let's trap the no's and make them pay for crossing us!

contrarian trader

MrGirl Stock, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition