Booksmarts Stock
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bought Ṁ100 of SHORT

i suspect we will see more of bookfucker in the future

predicts BUY

i suspect we will see more of bookfucker in the future

predicts BUY

booksmarts had a long-standing good reputation with dgg, he just left on a bad note

if he came back during more serious content, i'd expect opinion of him to rise again

bought Ṁ50 of SHORT

booksmarts? More like poopfarts

Booksmarts is a wildcard. He could pop up for a fundraising stream at any moment, and he has a negative history with Max, which could go either way if he does some content reviews. His friendship with WickedSupreme adds to the probability of this, but it's unclear which side he would land on and how that might impact stocks. I'd avoid this one for the time being.

bought Ṁ5 of BUY

🗿 I believe in him

predicts SHORT

Booksmarts's main claim to fame was his percieved impartiality and how Destiny saw him as a genuine help to his rhetoric. Ever since that was tarnished in the Elden Ring arc it's become pretty unlikely that Book will come on stream much less come into good graces again.

Booksmarts Stock (Permanent), 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition