Will Tim Walz say the word “brat” before the election?
Nov 6

We know that Tim Walz knows what Brat Summer is, but will he say the word “Brat” (after market creation) before the US Presidential Election is called?

Market Resolves NO when the first major newspaper/network calls the 2024 US Presidential Election for either candidate.

Nitty clarifying details:

  • The utterance must have occurred after this market’s creation, and it must’ve been said by VP nominee Tim Walz.

  • Saying the word “brat” in reference to a sausage will count, the context / definition is not critical to the market resolution.

  • Saying the word “brat” as the part of a larger word, like bratwurst or bratty, will not count.

  • Saying “Brat Summer” will count, the character space is key.

  • Twitter is speech, as is Instagram (or other social media). However, if Tim retweets Kamala (or Charli or whomever) saying “brat” that won’t count. It must be his (digital) voice writing or drawing “brat”.

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To confirm, if he butchers the meme by saying “bratty”, that would not count?

Yea, “bratty” would not count.

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