Will I (@mattyb) have 100k profit before May?
resolved Apr 6
We’re at 70k! [image]
turns out that i’ll just need to make ~$7k profit in the next month to hit it! [image]

I joined Manifold in October and I’ve currently got $66,460 in profits at time of posting (chart as of Feb 26th below).

While I do continuously seem to be growing, my growth rate fluctuates quite a bit. Will I have 100k profits at any point before May 1st (include profit spikes)?

I will never bet NO on this market.

Past month’s profits:

February profits: $16.7k (with ~3 days left)

January profits: $24.4k

December profits: $16.9k

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bought Ṁ8,000 YES

Will I have 100k profits at any point before May 1st (include profit spikes)?


bought Ṁ250 NO

huh did they change the way profit works? i dont see 100k anywhere on the graph

bought Ṁ355 YES

@jacksonpolack my chart is at $100.8k

huh I clicked on your chart and see 98k

@jacksonpolack dude, idk what to tell you. i now see 101k

@mattyb so many problems with the charts all the time - why does it show different information lol

your screencaps are obviously over 100k but I just took this (same as Jackson I assume)

@shankypanky interesting. i just got +2k profits, you all must be looking at older data than i am.

@mattyb dunno - this is the only data available on my side. silly.

@mattyb I'm not in the discord anymore and it's not so important to me tbh - I trust you ofc just showing the difference

bought Ṁ100 YES

turns out that i’ll just need to make ~$7k profit in the next month to hit it!


We’re at 70k!

bought Ṁ80 YES

This shoud be at 99.999999999999999999999% ❤

@Lion awwww too kind