Will Taylor Swift mention EU elections in her May 9 concert in Paris?
May 9

Some hope she will. I won’t be there myself, so i have to rely on news.

Resolves YES if it gets reported.

Resolves NO if no Swift concert happens in Paris before the election.

Close date might be adjusted if the concert date shifts.

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That would be the lamest thing.

bought Ṁ15 of NO

This women is so overtly un-political, she’ll barely acknowledge the need to vote in her own country, much less on another continent.

predicts NO

@mattyb According to the article in the description:

“Taylor Swift last September, she made a social media call to young Americans to register to vote and the day after her post, 35,000 young Americans registered,” European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas told journalists.

bought Ṁ0 of NO

@marktwse yep, that’s the single instance I’m talking about. Before that I think she once said something negative about Marsha Blackburn in like 2018

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