Will Destiny play D&D or a multiplayer video game with LilyPichu before February?
resolved Feb 4

Will resolve YES if he and Lily play either a multiplayer video game (eg Valorant, League) or D&D together on-stream before February 1. Otherwise the market resolves as NO.

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Neither Valorant nor League are an RPG?

@CubityFirst Yes they are. Specifically, they're MMORPGs.

@marketman I can't in good confidence play in this market when you say something like that.

predicted NO

@CubityFirst If you really think about it, all games are RPGs

@yaboi69 - Well, not all. I specifically said RPG to exclude something like Got Rhythm or something like a game where they're on call and they try to name all the countries.


See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Role-playing_game

MMORPGs are RPGs. It's in the name. But I recognise the confusion; I'll make it clearer next time.

@marketman DND is a TTRPG. I'll grant you that. Valorant is a FPS. League is a MOBA.

An example of an MMORPG would be World of Warcraft, ESO etc.

@CubityFirst You're right. My mistake was thinking a MOBA was an MMORPG. I modified the question, RPG -> multiplayer video game. Thanks.