This resolves when Deltarune Chapter 7 releases, unless it comes out after Jan 1 2035, in which case it will resolve N/A.
If it's not fairly clear in the game I will also resolve N/A.
@UlyssesB Disagree. Prediction markets are tools for aggregating information; it'll be less efficient at information-aggregation if it closes early. If people datamine evidence towards the answer, that's a useful thing to incorporate into the market!
(And also, more specifically to the Deltarune case: this is a game by the same person who included the easter-egg message in Undertale's Xbox version to congratulate whoever figured out how to break the encryption. Toby Fox knows that there's going to be extensive datamining. There aren't going to be Knight-identity-spoilers available-to-find-via-datamining by accident; if any exist, they're going to be deliberately-planted and, as such, just as potentially-deceptive as any information found via more traditional in-engine means.)
Surprised nobody added an "He is his own character" option yet
Updated on this after seeing the argument that you name the vessel, and so they likely share a similar metanarrative role to Chara, and thus probably play a significant role in the plot
if it ends up being something like "gaster, who did things via possessing the vessel" then sorry for making this hard to resolve
@Ibozz91 Personally, I find it weird that:
A) Papyrus is absent from the plot so far, despite being a major character from UT.
B) Papyrus’ absence is commented on often.
There are several explanations for this, but I think these hint towards Papyrus being the Knight.