Does the MEGA Drive work?

The MEGA Drive is a propellentless drive proposed to work by, as I understand it (loosely), oscillating the mass of a layer of the device while oscillating it back and forth out of phase with the changes in mass, operating on similar principles as a rower, or the wing of a bird, but using what Woodward claims was a theory of Einstein's about the nature of inertia.


Space applications are obvious, but Woodward says here that this would soon be applicable overcoming overcoming gravity (ie, flying cars*, cheaper space launches*)

Ten newtons per kilowatt is approaching heavy lift, okay, you don't need to chemical rocket to put these things in orbit when you get them working really well, you can just climb in your thing and — heh — and turn the thing on and you could [gestures] motor up at some convenient rate

Though I don't think newtons per kilowatts is the figure of merit for that kind of thing. I'd prefer newtons per kilograms of thruster/powersource*

It has received research grants from NASA in the past. Tests are ongoing.


Closes yes when deployed for useful work irl.

Closes no when I'm convinced there was a replication failure and nobody seems to be interested any more. And maybe by the close date?

[footnotes in comment]

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* flying cars

Yeah, I propose that a big blocker for flying cars today is the noise they make, and the downdraft (which complicates autonomous control). Solve these things and flying cars can be used in more places.

* cheaper space launches

It presents an alternative to hauling a load of fuel, but, then, what is its power source? Wouldn't it have to haul some kind of fuel? And isn't rocket propellent more energy dense than batteries or whatever? Yeah nah, because:

* power sources

You could power the launch vehicle with microwave beam power transmission. Though, for that matter, there are probably ways of using that (fairly new?) technology to make launches way cheaper without a propellentless drive as well o_o