new year new Tiny and new content.
In the absence of the creator @love , the criteria are too vague to infer exactly how they would have resolved. The write up from @Agh seems reasonable so I will resolve N/A. If @love comes back within a week and wants to resolve it differently, we will defer to them, but otherwise this will stand as N/A.
This is one problem with vague markets that can be tough to overcome.
@Eliza this one is tough because Destiny broke up with his wife, which is pretty huge. But the mrgirl drama was pretty huge too. It involved multiple people and there was a 50 pages long hit piece. I would have to think about it.
There's two ways to interpret which falling-out is larger.
The person who is lost is of bigger importance, the hole in your heart is bigger.
The drama is more extensive, more intense and drawn out.
The marriage drama clears criteria 1 easily, but the mrgirl drama wins by criteria 2 (it split the subreddit, it involved multiple orbiters, mrgirl contacted every woman in destiny's life and wrote a 100k word manifesto)
I lean towards criteria 2 being more important, but a lot of people here definitely judged the market more by criteria 1 (and the marriage drama won the dgg awards after all).
In the end I recommend an N/A resolution, because the market was too vaguely defined. A YES or NO solution would not be fair to the opposite site just because they interpreted the vague criteria in a different but totally understandable way.