Resolves Yes, if the "reality" perceived after large doses of N,N-DMT is found to be objective (The DMT-induced alternate reality is a persistent co-existing reality) and the method used to determine this is that of this article.
Resolves N/A if the perceived "DMT reality" is experimentally found to be subjective (The DMT-induced alternate reality is an inconsistent subjective hallucination and therefore does not persist without the momentary perception of the inebriated human subject).
@nanob0nus No, I made this question after reading an article on Gwern's website which referenced the article
@nanob0nus I've never taken DMT, nor do I predict DMT "realities" to actually exist, I just think it is an interesting experiment to perform, as it is testable (while other "woo"-like ideas are not) and if it were true, it would open an incredibly interesting and new area of research (though again, my prediction is cca. 2% that DMT worlds are real).