Cool ideas bounty
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Particularly cool (mindblowing/strange/surprisingly true/extremely useful/beautiful etc.) ideas will get a bounty of 1000 Mana once a secret threshold is reached. Abstract ideas are preferred.

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"What you train is what gets trained".

If you are interested in drawing and you start drawing regularly, you are almost destined to get better even without tutorials, good tools and deliberate practice, eventually. (Yeah, the speed of achievemtnt differs, but that is not the idea).

If you want to do a one-arm muscle up, and you do normal but 2x weighted pullups, then you will be more efficient with weighted pullups but not a bit closer a one-arm muscle up. The fastest way to achieve the thing you want is to do the actual thing, not the easy addictive alternatives.

In drawing, the easy addicitve thing would be watching tutorials instead of drawing.

Some people when preparing for an exam try to memorise without understanding, and dedicate a lot of time. With each exam they memorise better and understand worse.

In my life I went the opposite path. I was only writing in the exam paper the things I understand. Even if I could recollect some thing else, that i was not understanding, i did not write it. Thus over time I was understanding better and more.

And instead of dedicating more time for preparation I intentionally limited myself. Over time with many subjects I indeed became möre efficient with "read once = ready for the exam".

It works for me, I came up with this concept in my childhood and was using for most of my life. But if sb are already in a competitive university they might not be able to learn to use the concept correctly and might not have the freedom to fail at their first attempts (failures are guaranteed at first), thus they would still memorise.


To be equal is a way to be different. Here is an example:

In this group of shapes, the big black square is the only shape who shares one common trait with all the other shapes. Thus making it different to all other shapes.



Abstraction risks committing errors of omission. Generalization risks committing errors of commission.


Citizen releases chalk in atmosphere unilaterally to start saving our bacon from global warming.


Everyone is Dungeons and Dragons character that chose their distribution of stats before they were born.


2017 was 7 years ago

you shall be rewarded soon

Given that any alien civilisation emerging in the galaxy will be able to expand and colonise the whole galaxy in a blink of an eye on cosmic and evolutionary timescales, it is pretty much guaranteed that any civilisation not finding itself already surrounded by aliens (such as our own) is necessarily the very first one to emerge. It's not so much that we're alone, just early. Meanwhile there are probably several habitable planets in the galaxy still in the precambrian single cells stage that we were stuck in for 4 billion years. If we were willing to wait around many millions of years without bulldozing all the other star systems, aliens would almost certainly evolve and show up eventually.