Will anyone post the name of this city in the next 10 days?
resolved May 5

Last one was apparently easy so let's make it a bit harder.

I'm looking for the name of the city or a google maps link that shows roughly this view.

Here are a couple of higher resolution images

Since I know the answer I wont post a solution, but I will bet this time.

I'm not sure if anyone will put any effort into this but I might consider giving some hints after a few days if it proves too hard.

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bought Ṁ301 of YES

Maiduguri, Nigeria

bought Ṁ32 of YES
  • Plugged one of the images into Google Lens and a lot of its links mentioned Africa, which kind of makes sense considering all of the unpaved footpaths

  • imgur link 1 has the runway of a municipal airport

  • I'm intrigued by the big black mass in imgur link 2

predicted NO

@BrendanFinan I wonder how long would take someone like geowizard to find it. Its quite distinct with airport pointing at that green square. I couldn't find anything online about that black thing. Almost looks like lava.

predicted YES

@light I think it's a landfill or waste disposal pile for the Coca-Cola bottling facility directly east of it

predicted NO

@BrendanFinan Oh yeah. Or burned boxes from the sunshine in a box gift show down the road.

Wonder what's up with the clusters of buildings with the same roof color.