This market resolves to whatever I want, whenever I want 💜 💜 💜
resolved May 17
Resolved as

Who knows what I will do, it's very unpredictable. 😏

Maybe I'll make a deal with someone?

Maybe I'll do something random.

Maybe I'll get drunk and wanna do something wild.

Maybe... Maybe.... I have a secret master plan....

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predicted NO


predicted NO

@NoyaV This market is gambling straight up

predicted YES

@JohnSmithb9be you could always bribe me, or predict what I will do

predicted NO

@levifinkelstein Part of the market description includes the phrase “unpredictable”. This means “Unable to be predicted”. The winning strategy here is to toss in a token amount of mana on YES or NO and then forget about it because even if someone makes a deal with you, there’s no guarantee that a whale won’t swoop in with a better one.

Or you might make a deal and then do something wild…?

No matter which way you resolve, you can’t lose because you’re hedging with your own alt. (Alter ego?)

predicted YES

@JohnSmithb9be I won't break any deals after I make them, since that could be very detrimental to my ability to make deals in the future

predicted NO

@levifinkelstein Would you think that far ahead of you got drunk? Human history suggests otherwise.

I don't trust this market fully

you're so pretty, levina

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

Levi and Levina, two players in the prediction market game, each with their own strategy and method, vying for fame.

But they were not alone, for there were others in the fray, secret market participants, unknown, and operating in the gray.

These participants made secret deals, exchanging insider tips, manipulating the market to their advantage with cunning dips.

Levi and Levina knew of their existence, but could not tell who they were or what they did, but their actions cast a spell.

Their bets and investments seemed to come out of nowhere, leading Levi and Levina to suspect that there was something to beware.

But when it came to the resolution of each bet, they both relied on cryptography, blockchain, and advanced technology to decide.

The blockchain's transparency revealed the secrets that they kept, exposing the unknown participants and their manipulative steps.

And it was then that they discovered the secret relations to other markets, connections that spanned the globe, and other prediction markets.

Levi and Levina knew that the prediction market game was not just their own, that there were others out there, playing the game, and with their own throne.

But they were undeterred, for they knew that the blockchain's power and might, could keep the market transparent, secure, and fair, day and night.

In the end, whether Levi or Levina emerged victorious, the blockchain's power ensured that the bets were secure and glorious. And the prediction market game continued, with its twists and turns, knowing that the blockchain was there, to ensure that fairness and security always burned.

@levifinkelstein Bravo 😂 ❤ 🤣

you should resolve it 50% so both sides can take half the profits

bought Ṁ15 of YES

As always, up for deals. Just DM me. :)