Depressing book/article/short-story/etc recommendations
Ṁ47 / 500
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Anything that could instill anguish, derealization, depondency, gloom, melancholy, sorrow, dejection, ...

I'm more interested in stuff with a grander scope, as opposed to stuff that is about the tragedies suffered by specific individuals.

Will add more bounty if needed.

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Flowers for algernon

Blindsight by peter watts(most fit for a grand scope tragedy)

Vortex by gaspar noe(a movie)

The tale of princess kaguya by Isao takahata


Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer


The Stranger (just read it, it's depressing)


Night by Elie Wiesel


Constance by Matthew Fitzsimmons

White Noise by Don DeLillo

Blindness by Jose Saramago


Laments and Confessions of Levina Finkelstein (forthcoming)


Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre

The Seventh Continent (1989) - dir. Michael Haneke (beware - it's hardcore and really disturbing)

Zoo Station: The Story of Christiane F.

The Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy (mostly the third book makes me sad)

Son of Saul (movie)

The road. Cormac McCarthy

Being and nothingness (both depressing and hard to read)

The Plague