[Let's play] Civilization VI (Turn 7)
resolved Feb 12
Move scout east
Build a settler
Fortify warrior
Switch from Mining to Animal Husbandry
Attack barbarian camp

Let's play Civ6!

Anyone can add instructions. Instructions can be composite, but are executed atomically (either fully or not at all). Upon market close I will try to interpret and act out the instructions in the game starting from the highest ranking instructions and progressing downward. If an instruction doesn't make sense to me, if it is not (currently) possible to execute or if it is incompatible with a higher ranking instruction (fully or partially) it will be skipped. Once all instructions have been iterated over, I will go back over the list of skipped instructions to check if they are now possible to execute, if so they will be removed from the skipped list. This will be repeated until not further actions are possible.

Executed instructions will resolve YES, skipped instructions will resolve NO. I reserve the right to (mis)interpret the instructions, but will try to be as conscientious as I can.

Once all instructions have been executed the turn will end. If there is still some action needed in order to end the turn, I will make a random choice of said action in order to progress.

Market will close at an arbitrary time between 18:00 UTC and 24:00 UTC.

If you want screenshots of other views, please feel free to ask for them and I will provide them as soon as possible.

Last turn

  • [YES] Assign "Discipline" to military policy

  • [YES] Assign "God King" to economic policy

  • [YES] Choose "Craftmanship" for civic

  • [YES] Attack barbarian with warrior again

  • [NO] Assign "Survey" to military policy

  • [NO] Assign "Urban Planning" to economic policy

  • [NO] Choose "Foreign trade" for civic

  • [NO] Fortify warrior

World view:

(higher resolution)

Link to market for last turn.

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Next turn:

Might want to add the Unranked tag to this. I don't claim to understand all the intricacies but this might be a whale bait market should one discover it and decide to pump low probability answers in order to boost their season ranking.

Also what is the game config? Like how many opponents, what difficulty, what leaders including ours, what are the teams and can they change, are there city states, what is the map, etc etc?

Settings are shown on the turn 1 market, settings not explicitly stated are whatever the game has as default when you create a new game.


bought Ṁ20 Build a settler YES

Are we treating fortify as fortify/heal or just fortify?

@LiamNewittClark I think there's no reason to treat it as fortify/heal since we don't have notifications, and implicit fortification is better than just standing still.

@a2bb Ahh yes, that's true.

@LiamNewittClark "Fortify" would have me click the shield button, for me to click the heal button it would have to say something similar to "Click fortified until healed button". But tbh, I don't really think it makes that much of a difference. :)

@a2bb Just to clarify, we won't be implicitly fortifying anything. In order to fortify units there would have to be an explicit instruction to do so.

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