[Let's play] Civilization VI (Turn 1)
resolved Feb 6
Move (Settler) 1 Tile Upper-Right between the two marshes.
Move 1 tile bottom-left
Research mining
Move warrior up and left
Settle capital on current tile and name it "Rationalussy"

Let's play Civ6!

Anyone can add instructions. Instructions can be composite, but are executed atomically (either fully or not at all). Upon market close I will try to interpret and act out the instructions in the game starting from the highest ranking instructions and progressing downward. If an instruction doesn't make sense to me, if it is not (currently) possible to execute or if it is incompatible with a higher ranking instruction (fully or partially) it will be skipped. Once all instructions have been iterated over, I will go back over the list of skipped instructions to check if they are now possible to execute, if so they will be removed from the skipped list. This will be repeated until not further actions are possible.

Executed instructions will resolve YES, skipped instructions will resolve NO. I reserve the right to (mis)interpret the instructions, but will try to be as conscientious as I can.

Once all instructions have been executed the turn will end. If there is still some action needed in order to end the turn, I will make a random choice of said action in order to progress.

Market will close at a random time between 18:00 UTC and 22:00 UTC.

Ruleset: Gathering Storm
Civilization: Random (Rome)
Difficulty: King
Game speed: Quick
Map type: Continents and Islands

Map size: Standard
Disaster Intensity: 2

Image 1: Starting position (higher resolution)

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How did both instructions for the settler resolve yes?

@JamesF Never mind I just realized you resolve yes to what had the more votes yes or no and not what you actually did

@JamesF No that’s wrong you resolve skipped instructions to no so what happened?

@JamesF Focus unit moved when other action was performed by settler. Since the "Move 1 tile bottom-left" didn't specify which unit it refered to it defaulted to whichever was in focus at the time, which was warrior.

Had the "Move (Settler) 1 Tile Upper-Right between the two marshes." not been inserted with higher priority, it would have still refered to the settler.

@komplexkonjugat How is ranking determined

@JamesF Highest ranking instruction was "Move (Settler) 1 Tile Upper-Right between the two marshes.", next highest ranking instruction was "Move 1 tile bottom left", but since settler had expended movement points focus had shifted to warrior, so warrior was moved (since now explicit unit was referenced).

All other instructions resolved no, because they weren't possible at that point.

@JamesF Percentage according to the market.

@komplexkonjugat You previously stated: "I'm going to interpret "Move 1 tile bottom-left" as referring to the settler", not "I'm going to interpret it as referring to whatever unit is selected at the time"

@AutisticForest I stated "I'm going to interpret "Move 1 tile bottom-left" as referring to the settler (since it's selected)", which probably should have been prepended with "How it looks right now" and appended with "but that will change if some action happens with changes the selected unit".

As I stated in the description: "I reserve the right to (mis)interpret the instructions, but will try to be as conscientious as I can."

How are you handling research / culture? If I put “research mining” and someone else puts “research pottery”, do you click each in order (I.e. changing research multiple times per turn’ or only doing the first one and then resolving the lower one(s) NO?

@Noit That would count as being "incompatible with a higher ranking instruction".

If we had "Research pottery" at 60% and "Research mining" at 40%, pottery would be researched and mining would be skipped. "Research pottery" would resolve YES and "Research mining" would resolve NO.

In case of equal %, whichever comes first in the Manifold GUI when sorting for "High %" will be consider to be higher.

I'm going to interpret "Move 1 tile bottom-left" as referring to the settler (since it's selected), but it's probably a good idea to be more explicit in your instructions.

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