Is the downward secular trend in female puberty mostly genetic?

The secular (meaning societal) trend in puberty has been observed in many parts of the world and is believed to have started in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, although the trend became more pronounced during the 20th century. One theory is that improvements in nutrition, healthcare, and living conditions during this time period may have contributed to the secular trend in puberty. Genetics could also play a role.

Will research show that the downward secular trend in female puberty is mostly attributed to genetics, as opposed to environmental factors?

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bought Ṁ50 of NO

obesity + endocrine disruptors probably explain most of it

It's actually caused by obesity. Genetics is fake, genetic arguments for anything are always wrong.

bought Ṁ15 of NO

Low priors that anything genetic could have so large an effect over so short a timeline, but eyeballing your graph I don't see the blips I'd expect around the world wars. Very weird.