Will i ask my work crush out the next time i see her?
resolved Jun 30

i have never done something like this.

i have to tell her i have a crush on her and use the word date.

I was supposed to see her today but she is not at work.

ask follow up questions if you want.

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predicted YES

i learned a lot

predicted YES

@jojomonsta7777 we need to know the story! We got invested (no pun intended) into the question.

Upd. I've noticed another comment already.

sold Ṁ45 of YES

>asks his crush out

>wins 2k mana in profit

absolute chad

So.. Wat did she say

predicted YES

@higherLEVELING It was very difficult, I was planning to say it at the very beginning but it didn't feel right. So after an hour I told her and she said she doesn't have a crush on me and she had to wait and recover from the shock a bit I think. Then she was very nice about it, asking if it's fine for me if we keep spending time.

@jojomonsta7777 not the best outcome, but still not the worst. Did you mention to her that you had taken a cold shower every day for a whole month? Just show her your shower market (Will one day in June pass without me taking a cold shower? | Manifold) as proof and say "if i were lying, this wouldn't have resolved no". then wink. She'll be speechless.

predicted NO

@jojomonsta7777 Fuck yeah, good job!

@jojomonsta7777 That sounds like a pretty positive outcome, actually. A crush isn't necessary to want to spend time with someone. You might even win her over to romance, if time together is what she's offering. Be patient with it, give both of yourselves time to decide what you ultimately want.

@TylerColeman I had a crush, went on several dates, too. She declined to be exclusive, and I moved to Wisconsin (for a job opportunity, but still). If I'd had more self-esteem, I might still have won her over, but I was devastated, at the time. Young love.

bought Ṁ40 of NO

Betting no on her asking you out first our you asking for a date but not doing the "I have a crush" thing. Good luck 👍

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Here it goes...

predicted YES

She unexpectedly asked me to meet me for lunch today at the University

sold Ṁ1 of NO

@jojomonsta7777 Good luck! I've sold all my NO shares. Edit: I should hedge with 1 NO share given the high confidence (92%)

predicted YES

@jojomonsta7777 Could it be because she's found out about the market?

predicted YES

Die Chaya will dich.

bought Ṁ50 of YES

Schnapp sie dir Tiger.

predicted YES

She is sick and not coming today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ncHu9EvQik

sold Ṁ161 of YES

@jojomonsta7777 she sensed danger?

predicted YES
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I thought you had a girlfriend?

predicted YES

@Timothy Open relationship

predicted YES
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predicted YES
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