Uganda is the latest African nation making LGBT identification illegal. Will another African nation follow suit in 2023?
resolved Jan 5
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predicted NO

Creator is inactive, this doesn't seem to have happened, so resolving NO.

predicted NO

Please resolve

sold Ṁ173 of YES

Cutting my losses. I believe tomorrow is the last day and it's not on the tentative agenda. I'm very happy as a human it's delayed, so will use that to soften the loss of fake internet points. I hope there are NGOs working in the background to stifle it entirely.

bought Ṁ659 of NO

@DanMan314 darn, I forgot about this one, would have been time-decaying harder. Good call.

bought Ṁ250 of YES

This is going to come down to the wire, but I still give it >50% odds of passing before the end of the year. Parliament was considering the bill as recently as today. The Speaker has "vowed" to pass it before the recess, and once passed by Parliament Ghanian law says the Prime Minister has to make a decision on it within 7 days.

Made a new one about this happening by end of 2024, rather than end of 2023:

bought Ṁ50 of YES

Following the news, and discussions going on in parliaments, the Members of Parliaments are in full support of passing the anti-lgbtq bill and the bill is most certainly going to be passed above any other thing. Many Ghanaians are raising concerns about Parliament not focusing on economic issues and challenges that the people are facing. They are consistently pursuing for the illegalisation of LGBTQ in Ghana. This is backed by religious reservations. The supreme court has even rejected a bid to block the passing of the bill. See here,

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@DaniellaDarkwah 100 on yes given this feedback. Ghana, please let me down.

predicted NO

@SamuelRichardson I'm thinking it will, given the long timeline of this piece of legislation in Ghana. Too little year left unless they're really pushing it right now

bought Ṁ300 of YES

It seems likely that Ghana will pass this bill, which has many clauses that seem to fit the criteria of "banning LGBT identification". Ghana currently only prohibits "unnatural carnal knowledge", so this would be an extremely broad expansion of criminality of LGBT identification.

Seems fairly unambiguous (assuming it passes).

bought Ṁ18 of NO

@DanMan314 while I agree, I'm not convinced there's good odds it'll happen by year end

bought Ṁ60 of NO

@Stralor yeah, hard to find good info and with less than three months a good pop at NO feels like value