Will I finish publishing my productivity hacking guide by the end of Q3?
resolved Oct 1
I've publish 4/6 parts of my productivity guide. I will resolve yes if I publish all 6 parts by the end of Q3 2022. **Context** I own a blog under jamesmaa.com that I haven't touched since March 2019. I've shied away from some of the stuff I used to write about and therefore have serious writer's block but I feel a bit more motivated to continue investing in my blog and add value to my readers. Reasons why I might not complete it: * Even though I still try to maximize the value of my life, I've shied heavily away from traditional self-help productivity advice. I think it's helpful for certain types of people with certain mindsets, but I've been more focused on a different dimensionality of my life and found it hard to incorporate that into my writing on productivity * Part 6 is about relationship management, which means I would talk about how to interact with people. I don't think I've cracked that puzzle yet to really make a definitive statement on how to approach that * A little bit of scope-creep moment but I would also want to move away from Wordpress onto a different publishing platform,. which would add more work to my writing. * I have 3 week-long travel trips coming up in Q3. Reasons I might complete it: * I have a draft for part 5 so I would technically only need 1 part left * I've decided to cut back on social activities and dating in Q3, which would net me about extra 10hrs a week. I haven't planned for how to spend those 10 hrs/week yet * I've made a lot of progress understanding human relationships in the past year via a combination of dating, improv, and therapy, so maybe I could have enough confidence to write about relationships. * I have a sinking suspicion that my online presence affects my irl interactions with people and have some motivation to align my writing with my current thoughts and philosophy.
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