do you think we are more likely than not living in a simulation?
May 30

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I mean under the predictive processing model of how the brain works we’re experiencing a simulation our brain is generating for us rather than raw reality right?

I know the simulation hypothesis doesn’t refer to simulation in that way, but a common argument against the simulation hypothesis is that it doesn’t feel like we’re in a simulation.

Yet our lived experience IS what a simulation feels like(assuming the predictive processing model of the brain is correct) so we should feel like we’re in a simulation

if you do not already know for sure, you will probably never know.

the theory that we live in a simulation predicts nothing, explains nothing, and is untestable. therefore we can disregard it just as we can disregard the thousands of claims of the existence of a god.

I not sure the difference you make between reality and simulation is meaningful.

Let's say we are low-res character in some game like our Sims. Everything in our world ends up being data in a computer, but these data and computation around them are done by real physic in the player universe. So they are real somehow.

Let's say we are directly stuff in the physical universe. We perceive it very indirectly, by our limited senses. You watch another human being. Actually it is a hugely complex organization of particles (I stop here for now) you can't comprehend. It appears (I over simplify) you get some photons from it that change energy state of some opsin protein in cells of your retina, and it triggers a cascade of chemical signals in your neurons. Somehow in your brain you have a model of what is around you and this model is updated with something you interpret as a person.

In both case you have no idea of 99.9999+% of how the reality work, but your feelings are real the same way.

I think it doesn't make any sense to have an answer to such a question due to the lack of even theoretical falsifiability.

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@a2bb What do you mean by theoretical feasibility? Do you mean theoretical feasibility of simulating our universe inside itself? If so, there is no reason to assume that the enclosing universe that's host to the simulation of ours is anything at all like our universe.

I think the arguments for us being in a simulation are kinda compelling, but I just don't vibe with it. It doesn't feel true to me. I'm not aware of any difference it would make either way, to be honest

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