Will a shot be fired as a result of the dispute between the US govt and Texas over border razor wire?
Jun 1

Must be by someone directed or employed by some government - a random person shooting someone doesn't count.

Before the close date. May resolve early if the dispute is clearly over and nobody objects in the comments.

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Will someone employed by government shooting in response to someone not count?

I am not at all following the issue, just asking this based on the general principle of Texas doing batshit stuff: what if it's someone not employed by the government but explicitly endorsed by them, either prior to the shooting or retroactively?

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@BrunoParga Like a paramilitary squad?

@mariopasquato I'm thinking something like "a well-organized militia", meaning pretty much anyone that would have counted as five fifths of a person back when Texas first joined America. Like, I find it hard to predict exactly what it would look like because Texas is batshit, and it's hard to predict the actions of an insane government. So yes, it could be a paramilitary squad, or it could be just some redneck backed by some "castle doctrine" BS.

Then again, like I said the very first thing, I don't know about the specific issue.

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