In the 3rd Starship flight test, SpaceX intended to do "the first ever re-light of a Raptor engine while in space" -, but the attempt didn't take place (due to uncontrolled roll I believe). IFT-4 also did not attempt it.
Will the 5th Starship flight test attempt it, and if so will it succeed?
For this question, a success is defined as any engine relighting while in space and running until intended shutdown.
E.g. if SpaceX states that they commanded an early shutdown due to any problem, that's a failure. It would also resolve unsuccessful if Starship explodes for any reason before the burn completes, regardless of whether it's due to an engine problem. Only one engine completing the relight and burn is sufficient for YES even if others fail.
If the mission never attempts the engine relight, for example because Starship explodes before it can happen or they just decide not to attempt it, resolves to "Relight is not attempted".
This question is about the next Starship mission that is planned to reach space (100km altitude).