Will I get accepted to a math camp this summer?
resolved Apr 29

I currently plan to apply to five: Canada/USA Mathcamp, MathILY, HCSSIM, Ross, and Promys (but who knows if my procrastination will allow that, or if I'll apply to others). To provide background context:

  • I applied to the first three last year and got rejected by all (tbf my time management left me with about a week for the final two)

  • In case you're unfamiliar, these are (what I'd consider to be) among the highest caliber math camps in the nation? (Correct me if I'm wrong)

  • I'm a freshman in HS

  • I think I'm sufficient enough at math (and proof writing) to qualify; however I suck at this type of math which is more similar to competition math (I've never qualified for AIME lmfao)

Resolves as expected, deadline will be extended to whenever I receive my final application result. Open to answering background questions

Close date updated to 2023-05-31 11:59 pm

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predicted YES

I'm sorry to hear that! I heard that math summer program applications were more competitive than usual this year.

Fuck those camps

predicted NO

just saying, im not upset or anything, that was like two weeks ago. i made other plans that would've interfered with the camps a while ago so

on the plus side i get to go to the taylor swift concert

bought Ṁ1 of NO

ok, i feel like i should say something: i found not going to a math camp last year more intellectually valuable, at least to me, because i found other interesting things to do. summer internships are incredibly worthwhile to do especially because it gives you a sense of the industry at such a young age.

i was also rejected from pretty much every single math camp last summer. i would recommend doing the euler circle classes over the summer for some sweet math exposure (indep. paper writing is mad fire)

predicted NO

update: i submitted my last and final app! (mathily!) i'm not applying to any others because i'm pretty sure there are none else open. i got rejected from some others- the ones left are mathily and promys (which i think is historically more difficult camp to get into, plus more applicants this year). i'd put my odds for mathily at maybe 10% or less given how many applicants it seems there are for the other camps. and for promys, if i get in, i'll literally pay @Conflux $100 USD.

after the previous two camps, my expectations are lower than low, so uh don't feel bad when i get rejected i guess

@cece oh my god don’t say stuff like that. I’m not taking your money

predicted NO

@cece stop talking about money it gives me war flashbacks

@cece if he won't take your money i gladly will

predicted YES

just fyi you can still apply to mathily

predicted NO

@eulerphi and that's what i'm doing 🙏

predicted YES

@cece good luck!

predicted YES

oh no, what'd you get rejected from?

bought Ṁ500 of NO

@Conflux plural

predicted NO

@cece also it should be like 2% or less but i'm broke so

bought Ṁ200 of NO
predicted NO

Update (4/11): pretty much decided not to apply to other camps, as procrastinating takes precedence over actual work.

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predicted NO

Update (4/3): i submitted my ross, promys, and mathcamp apps all on time. i plan to apply to hcssim (maybe 80% chance), and plan to not apply to mathily (maybe 10% chance) due to a crippling amount of APs.

Dont worry you'll get into Ross

HCSSIM is not a c*mp you dumbfuck

predicted NO

@AlexCao ok top g

predicted NO

oh, also, i finished my mathcamp and promys apps (which were due earlier)

MathILy is amazing! Not many people applying to math camps consider it a first choice but I think the blend of solidifying foundational skills and weird/non-conventional topics allows participants to grow a lot mathematically. Its also a great environment for women and math minorities.

predicted NO

@eulerphi yeah, it's not my first choice either but i'd be really happy to be accepted :)

predicted YES

@iu I went to MathILy--its legit

predicted YES

@pg 2019?