Will Instagram ban Kanye West by May 1, 2023?
resolved May 6

resolves YES if https://www.instagram.com/kanyewest/ says this account is not active

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predicted YES

If your suspended from something for a week, is that not the same thing as being banned from something for a week? Stupid resolution.




  1. officially or legally prohibit (something).

predicted NO

In this market, ban is more meant to mean account removed by Instagram and unable to be seen. Compare timeout/ban on Discord.

predicted NO

while not a perfect analogy, ban is much more serious in both cases

The only fair resolution for this market should be N/A given that ban and suspensions are generally used interchangeably and the description wasn't clear about the resolution criteria.

predicted YES

my strategy for this market is buy high and sell low


predicted NO

Hey, I've checked the available info and comments below.

To me, it seems that:
- Instagram did not ban Kanye West, he has deactivated the account himself.
- Ye's account does not say "this account is not active" , but:

Both rule out YES and lead to NO resolution.

I'm not resolving this yet, opened to discussion on how to resolve it correctly.
And sorry for such rules, I should be more precise.

predicted NO

- In December Instagram temporarily suspended Kanye from posting, but he was not banned.
- Market was correctly pricing all of that, until @Breezeice and @qumeric swinged the price

bought Ṁ35 of NO

@itsTomekK I would agree that he's not been banned by Instagram, but looks to have deactivated his own account.

predicted YES

- In December Instagram temporarily suspended Kanye from posting, but he was not banned

suspend and ban are synonyms in the context of internet moderation

bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

@jacksonpolack That’s not true, bans usually imply the entire account being shut down, not just preventing posting.

predicted YES

Reddit calls both temporary and permanent bans/suspensions "suspensions". Same for twitter. Various other platforms and games call both temporary and permanent bans/suspensions "bans". They are >80% used interchangeably

predicted YES

actually you could argue reddit has suspensions as more serious than bans, because a ban on reddit is from a sub, while a suspension is for an entire account

predicted NO

@jacksonpolack In this context tomek said “suspend from posting”. Whether or not they’re synonyms in isolation clearly the meaning is different in this context.

predicted YES

@itsTomekK On December 9th he was banned. Your market started on December 4th. Hence, resolve as yes he was banned. Agrees with title and description.

predicted NO

@itsTomekK I am following my arguments above, nothing suggests that Kanye was banned, only blocked from posting and then he deactivated the account himself.

Resolving as NO

predicted YES

If Kanye was banned on Dec 9th 2022 doesn’t that mean it should resolve yes? As that was in the window of this. Both title and description are satisfied I guess.

bought Ṁ0 of NO

Kinda dumb that this market has become about how Tomek will resolve than whether Ye was actually banned.

@NicoDelon yeezus, what a mess

@MartinRandall can you help out?

@Chad Tricky! I see that:

Instagram says that "the page isn't available".

Kanye says he deactivated the account. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/kanye-west-deactivates-instagram-1235310665/

In past news it looks like Kanye was banned on Dec 9th 2022? https://www.nme.com/news/music/kanye-west-banned-from-instagram-again-after-sharing-clip-of-new-song-3364340

I'm unclear why this market didn't resolve yes back then. Maybe that answer will shed some light on what the market should do?

Fortunately it looks like Tomek has a very small position in the market.

@MartinRandall didn't resolve earlier cuz presumably tomek wasn't active at that time, and the debate is whether the title supersedes the description in case of a conflict (of literal interpret

@Chad (literal interpretation vs spirit of the market) + (description vs title supersedes)

@Chad If Tomek and traders just missed the earlier ban (which was after the market was created on Dec 1st) then the debate might be moot here, since the earlier ban was sufficient to resolve the market YES without ambiguity.

(I totally have opinions about the things you mention but maybe they aren't needed to resolve the market and we can discuss without mana being on the line)

@MartinRandall oh the earlier ban! I see a spike in the market around that time, but apparently no discussion took place? It's sort of weird. Anyway, that would've been enough.

But i think the current debate is about this recent ban (And yeah, i get that those 4 combinations of interpretation, spirit, description, title etc are important issues to be discussed separately) but in the context of this market, I'm of the opinion that the title was supposed to be extended by the description (can you confirm @itsTomekK ) instead of conflicting

bought Ṁ250 of YES

@Chad well now I'm a bettor in the market! Too tempting if this should have been yes from the earlier ban.

@MartinRandall HAHAHA alright, let's call in @jack cuz why not (unless it's considered rude? idk, i'm not familiar with manifold etiquette)

predicted YES

@Chad I don't think it's rude, perhaps there should be a button for requesting a third party opinion, and maybe it should cost some mana to press it?

I expect Tomek has this, though. ❤

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@MartinRandall maybe the reason it wasn't resolved earlier is Tomek wanted to see if the ban would stick. idk.

predicted NO

@NicoDelon No, I just wasn't active.

Indeed, the description was poorly written... maybe we should ask Kanye if he was banned or removed his account himself?

predicted YES

@itsTomekK No disrespect but if you continue being inactive on your markets (not the first time) and writing descriptions that lead to confusion, Manifold may have to consider removing your badge—I may create a market about it in fact.

predicted YES
predicted NO

@NicoDelon Good one! I'm not that active as a creator recently, but I'm doing my best with resolving markets correctly and on time. Sometimes I am confused with notifications and do not resolve markets suddenly after resolution, but in a trustworthy-ish manner.

predicted YES

@itsTomekK Good to hear!

@itsTomekK very nice!