Will CZ (Changpeng Zhao) be the CEO of Binance through 2023?
resolved Nov 22

If Changpeng Zhao remains in charge as CEO of Binance through December 31st, 2023, this market will resolve to "Yes".

If he steps down or leaves for whatever reason, even if temporarily, this market will resolve to "No".

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time to resolve this one?

bought Ṁ15 of NO
predicted NO

Resolves to No: https://x.com/cz_binance/status/1727063503125766367?s=20 [Edit: I have a mental block from describing the polarity of this market correctly. Fixed.]

bought Ṁ10,000 of NO

@patio11 Surely you mean no

predicted YES

Hey Gary, com'on man, couldn't you wait until January?

predicted YES


This is the kind of opportunity that can be missed by having a job. Oh well.

@FrederickNorris You can still bet on whether or not this means he will be incarcerated.

bought Ṁ100 of NO

There is a report from Bloomberg that CZ might be personally charged for conduct at Binance. Might.

I bought some No for now, but....if he is charged with some felonies, he might still stay in charge?

At 10% I think this far understates the likelihood of him stepping down in an attempt to dodge criminal sanction for himself and/or Binance re: past actions. Buying to 25%.

bought Ṁ146 of NO

@patio11 (Ignore that I stated this in terms of “Likelihood of him leaving.”)

Will CZ (Changpeng Zhao) be the CEO of Binance through 2023?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition