American politics 2023: Kevin McCarthy ends the year as Speaker of the House?
resolved Dec 31

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Matthew Yglesias is a liberal American blogger and journalist who writes about economics and politics. He publishes the Substack newsletter Slow Boring.

Recently he made many predictions on American politics events, published on

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Seems like a good buy at 2%.

McCarthy on X: I will not seek to run again for Speaker of the House. I may have lost a vote today, but I fought for what I believe in—and I believe in America. It has been an honor to serve.

I just made 20 free mana on arbitrage, unless McCarthy is ousted, reinstated, ousted again, and not reinstated a second time by january. I honestly expect to lose it all the way this is going.

@SemioticRivalry curious why you think it's significantly likely that he will lose speakership then be re-instated? I haven't followed it much but thought it seemed super unlikely

@EliBot if McCarthy loses a single vote, the speakers office is officially vacated. But that doesn't mean that there's another credible candidate to replace him. Repeat of the start of this Congress until they make a deal. Pretty reasonable odds of it happening

predicted NO

@SemioticRivalry Interesting, but wouldn't him being vacated also resolve this question no?

predicted YES

@EliBot only if we somehow go 3 months without a speaker or if another candidate emerges (which definitely isn't impossible but I find somewhat unlikely)

predicted NO

Oh I see what you mean, it gets vacated then he gets put back in. Thanks

predicted YES

@EliBot If it's vacated the question does not resolve 'no,' because the question is not whether McCarthy will lose the role at any point, but whether we will end the year with McCarthy as speaker, correct?

@BrianCaulfield Eli isn't the question author, (that would be @itsTomekK but quite plainly that seems to be the only plausible interpretation of the question, in my view.