Will Destiny get unbanned on Twitch before August 1st, 2023?
resolved Aug 1

Will be resolved YES if the twitch channel www.twitch.tv/destiny is unbanned on twitch.tv before August 1st, 2023.

Will be resolved NO if the twitch channel www.twitch.tv/destiny is not unbanned on twitch.tv before August 1st, 2023.

When the channel gets unbanned and banned again before August 1st, 2023, this will still get resolved as YES.

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predicted NO

Twitch: About Account Enforcements and Chat Bans (twitch.tv)

If i'm understanding this correctly, It'll be past the due date, before he can submit another ban appeal. I think this can resolve early.

@higherLEVELING there's always a chance of a miracle, like his twitter unban.

predicted NO

@Agh it's twitch though. it's like it's like 0% chance from them

It's basically over for this market.

predicted NO

@Agh GG. this seals it.

His appeal window is coming up boys and girls. Will he make it or will our beloved best Streamer of the World 🍧 stay banned?

predicted YES

@iteal no shot he gets unbanned but also who cares because twitch is somehow worse than literally every other platform

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