Will Elon Musk loan or donate to Trump any money by EOY 2024?
Jan 1

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@StochasticParrot - I see you've been afk a couple of days, are you around to respond about the requests to resolve on this market?

Reports say Elon plans to donate $45m per month between now and November to America PAC, which heavily supports the Trump campaign although notably, afaict, he's not yet listed on any of the filings.




can you confirm that once his name is listed as a donor, this market will resolve yes?

Elon claims he hasn't donated to Trump, but this seems like a loophole crested so he can claim to be party agnostic. his PAC directly benefits the Trump campaign/Republican party and I believe, if there are records of his PAC sending money to the Trump campaign, it should count.

Gotta love a market that's fluctuating wildly purely based on differing interpretations of an ill-defined question

This ~~but without a shred of irony~~

lol that's valid, enjoy the ride

Does donation to Trump's campaign count, or only him personally? What about PACs?

Shouldn't this resolve yes? How did this get voted back down to 50%?

Vague ctiteria: Unclear if donation to a PAC counts for resolution.

bought Ṁ50 YES

Would it be public information if he did donate or loan Trump money?

bought Ṁ60 NO

"I'm not Trump's fan. He's disruptive, he's the world's champion of bullshit"

Chapter 88 of Isaacson's book.

He also recounts Musk being very unimpressed with Trump when he met him in Trump's first term.