Is it joever for me?
resolved Sep 2

Will I be demoted in leagues this season?

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predicted NO

It’s joever

predicted YES

@inerati stay joepeful, you can always climb your way back to gold

@DavidChee this should be marked as non-predictive. if I'd got here before 30 minutes before close I would have pointed that out and bet no.

Edit: see below

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@ShadowyZephyr how is this different from the many other league markets which are mostly predictive?

predicted YES

@SemioticRivalry e.g. this market has 240k 24h volume entirely because it's predictive. and clearly betters in both cases were betting with the understanding that it was predictive

I think making all league stuff nonpredictive would be a good idea for the future, but that should be clearly understood by all parties

@SemioticRivalry I see what you mean. At first what I was going to say was "It isn't any different, all the markets should be non-predictive" because I thought that leagues markets were SUPPOSED TO be. But looking at the non-predictive group description, there is no clear reason why these leagues markets should be non-predictive. But admins have marked some as such anyway.

So admins are being inconsistent once again. Either all should be predictive or all should be non-predictive. I think I'd lean towards all being predictive.

bought Ṁ124 of YES

Thanks for the mana

bought Ṁ12 of YES
predicted NO

@dittopoop Fuck you

predicted NO

Please save me

predicted YES

have you asked joe biden?

predicted YES

@someguy2776 it's joever, we're so jack

bought Ṁ100 of NO

This and the Rachel one are now self fulfilling. If I win both in Theo I win both in reality. Incredible. Any whales want to rescue me?

bought Ṁ30 of YES

@Agh assuming her endgame is to swing this market to a profit when/if people disengage probably better to not push the % too high so theres less margin for her but you do you + I am clueless

bought Ṁ30 of NO

@someguy2776 The endgame is a whale comes in here, dumps their mana, makes me win, and then it resolves yes bc of that.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@inerati The tricky part is, that they don't know when leagues are gonna end. So there could always come another bigger whale and flip it back around

predicted NO

True. But it’s easy money if they have a lot of mana

what is even happening in this market LMAO

bought Ṁ50 of YES


bought Ṁ300 of YES

@DavidChee giveth, @DavidChee taketh away

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@DanMan314 He never giveth in the first place.

predicted NO

You've brandone it!

predicted NO

You're a true hero

predicted YES