We're planning on launching a politics-focused offshoot of Manifold in 2024. What will the domain name be?
Bet on what you like, or suggest new options! We're also open to suggestions for better ways to brand it; it's not ironclad that we have to include "Manifold" in the product name.
Resolves to whichever domain name we're using as the main version of the site on May 1st. If we're using multiple domains, this resolves to the one with the higher traffic.
See: https://manifoldmarkets.notion.site/Manifold-Politics-b036b60e68c84346a0dfb6741c5c38ac?pvs=4 for more information about the product
Previous market: https://manifold.markets/Austin/what-will-the-url-be-for-the-manifo
@Joshua What made you change your mind? Inside information? Thanks for moving the market, I was able to sell all my trades and exit with a profit of over 100 mana!
@shankypanky I already traded on SG's position, it was mentioned in Standup at least twice, and he holds a lot of Yes in that answer! Sometimes markets take a long time to move.
Never bet against SG on Manifold actions!
@Eliza I traded the other day based on your comment below (thanks btw!) and then we asked SG about it this afternoon and I think got inspired to buy it up a little more lol
personally I've preferred manifold.markets the whole time but I'm just hanging around and trying to see where it all seems like it will settle 🫢
@shankypanky I think the only way it changes is if someone makes a compelling argument to use a different domain again -- but it seems like a big case to build!
It looks like the team is divided on this point right now after considering more advice regarding SEO. I bought some Yes shares in manifold.markets but not enough to move the probability by much.
Is Barak Gila going to sell his website to Manifold?? Don't do it Barak! Keep the dream alive!
@PatrickDelaney His ideal constellation of investors and my list of the worst people in America are quite similar
@Luvexina In my opinion, subdomain.domain.TLD implies that the subdomain has a completely different hierarchy than www.domain.TLD and is used for some other purpose, such as admin.manifold.com or store.manifold.com ... or for a whitelabeled instance by some corporate sponsorship in the future capitalone.manifold.com or something like that ... politics.manifold.com hypothetically just has the same hierarchy as manifold.com so to avoid confusion you should NOT do that. Better to go with a feeder/clickfunnel domain and feed this and users and content into Manifold.markets. The ease of use of finding manifold.markets from subdomain.manifold.markets is a function of the UI, most users don't tweak the URL while browsing most of the time.
You could always roll whatever.com into manifold.markets in the future I believe to merge the two, assuming the hierarchy is sufficiently similar, followed up with an email, redirect... ATTENTION USERS! whatever.com is now manifold.markets!
@Shump The idea isn’t to bring more traffic to manifold, it’s to create THE place to know what’s happening in, and bet on, politics.
@Shump @ian seems like they're trying to come up with something like electionbettingodds.com
It's probably worth it, I wonder if you have the politics (betting) stuff on the main site (manifold.markets) and have whatever they spin up just as a dashboard similar to what EBO has for people to see what's going on. Obviously it'd have prominent links back re: how to bet yourself. Seems like that'd be easiest/fracture things less.
@AlQuinn and just so I don't sound so negative, I loved the politics site when it was just a dashboard -- before the font was ruined and it collapsed into a black hole