[Poll] What % of notifications are you happy that you saw?
resolved Aug 15
Resolved as

I'll tip you a minimum of M$25 for good ideas on how to improve your notifications experience! Jul 12, 7:50pm: in addition to signalling your opinion, PLEASE put how often you use the site! Jul 13, 8:16am: I love the implied suggestions of rewriting the question as: what % of notifications are you happy you saw?

Jul 18, 2:51pm: [Poll] do you enjoy using notifications? → [Poll] What % of notifications are you happy that you saw?

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90% - I think I'm at least a bit curious about all the markets I bet on, or at least about how they're resolving, so almost all notifications are interesting and useful to me.
bought Ṁ2 of NO
37% - I use Manifold daily, and I bet pennies all over the place just for fun. I only really care about a handful of the markets on which I bet. I wish I could receive notifications only about specific markets and groups that I choose to "follow."
@MichaelWheatley - question resolution notifications are too hidden when grouped with others, they should be separated out.
75% Use Manifold most days when not vacationing. Ideas: I want to be able to unsubscribe from certain notifications. Specifically, I want to easily nope out of certain markets so I stop seeing notifications on those markets. Conversely I also want to be able to get notifications from markets that I am not invested/commented in, by pressing a button. Some of the worst notifications are when I see a bunch of notifications for people commenting stuff like +1s to random things in poll type markets.
predicted NO
@SneakySly big agreed
75% in terms of notifications I'm happy I saw, +1 in terms of enjoying them overall. And to be clear I don't think upping that % is necessary - I'd more prefer just making the overall notification UX as seamless as possible. My more specific ideas are in a reply to Jack's most recent comment. :)
Oh, and I use Manifold roughly daily, though less time daily than I used to.
Make notifications not get removed from the notifications tab whenever they're marked as read. Make the notifications tab list all notifications past and present and visually distinguish "this one has been interacted with / marked as read". Or do keep an option to dismiss a notification from the notification tab, but make that be a manual action. That's how the UX works in most places that have notifications. I often open the tab, see some interesting notification, but don't wanna interact with it right now, then go back in 5 seconds and now it's no longer there cause it got cleaned cause I opened the tab.
@agentydragon this should've been fixed a while ago, try refreshing your browser!
80%. They're useful but could use a lot of improvements. (I use Manifold daily.) My biggest complaint is that there is very inconsistent behavior on click (sometimes opens the relevant market, sometimes expands the notification info). This is on both desktop and mobile. For example, in the market income notification, you have to expand it first, and then when you click on a link to open the link, it collapses the notification group in addition to opening the link, which is especially a problem when ctrl-clicking.
It would be great if I could go through my notifications one by one, opening up the relevant markets, without losing my place on the notifications tab. Currently you have to go back and forth between notification and market pages. I'm thinking of maybe a side-by-side view of all the notifications and a market page (like one of gmail's interface options).
@jack Okay made some small changes: - on mobile you must always click to expand a grouped notif, otherwise it's too easy to accidentally go to the source/contract - on desktop you can click the question or expand it depending on where you click, I find I might do either - ctrl/cmd + click on the group doesn't change its expansion state
@ian it would be more consistent IMO if clicking in the general body field (rather than on the market title) always expanded a notification, grouped or not. Often a single notification will still have the text (market description or comment) truncated, and I'd like to read the rest of the text but without actually going to the market. So the on-click behavior (on mobile at least) would be completely consistent. Clicking on the market title always links to the market, clicking on the body of the notif always expands that out to show full text, and clicking on an element that has already been expanded links to that element. Consistency seems key for a low friction UX.
I like them now much more now than when they moved to another tab after being viewed. I visit the site ~5 times a week, maybe more.
bought Ṁ1 of NO
50%: While I think more on/off options for notification types would be useful, the defaults are what seem most important since few will change them. Currently notifications seem to be overloading their original use case (important things you should know) as well as a suboptimal activity feed. Activity/comments on questions I've participated in belong in a homepage feed more than in notifications; unless I explicitly opt-in subscribe to comments; or the probability on that question changes drastically (in which case it falls under the "important things you should know" notifcation category).
@akhil I agree we need that homepage feed but that's a rather large task that doesn't fit in this cycle yet. How about notifying you only of comments that got tips?
30% (I use the site basically every day. Started in early April if I remember correctly, and started using it more regularly in the past month or two) I dislike notifications currently, primarily because of the lack of modularity. It would be nice to stop a particular market from generating notifications or have a finner-grained control of what notifications we receive and don't receive. I love Manifold as a whole but I don't think notifications are quite there yet.
bought Ṁ21 of YES
80% - Looking at my recent notifications, 8 out of my last 20 were things that I wanted to see. Missing a thing I was interested in is typically more of a loss that glancing past something I wasn't interested in, so this is pretty good all in all. Of the notifications I wasn't interested, all of them were about people commenting on markets that I've bet on. I do think being able to subscribe to comments on a given market is useful, but I'd be happier if it didn't happen by default when betting, or at least if I could silence it for particular markets.
predicted YES
I joined the site in February and have been on here site most days since then.
predicted YES
Given the new question, my response would be 40%
60% - Can do way better. One thing that would improve them drastically is the option to turn each options on or off, in particular I would enjoy being able to see comments of some people I follow. I would rather turn on or off notifcations for market myself rather than just "here are the new things for market you've bet on" Another problem of notifications is that it's hard to see the content they are posted in, but when I click on the market, I don't get automatically to the answer in question so I have to manually track it. Also clicking on it marks everything as read, which I don't enjoy, I'd prefer being able to manually mark them as read I guess the more general feedback is "allow me to mark more explicitely what I want to follow or not, per people I follow, per markets, etc... I use the site daily since June
@JoyVoid Interesting you don't get brought to the content, have you tried clicking the notification instead of just the title of the question? The question title takes you just to the question, whereas clicking on the notification should take you to the content.
predicted YES
@ian Maybe that's just it, it worked this time at least. I notice that sometimes the jump takes some time after loading the page, so it might also be that sometimes I'm already starting scrolling which interrupts the jump in question
@JoyVoid hmmm yeah actually I've noticed it doesn't work sometimes as well, I'll try a different way of doing the jump, thanks for the feedback!
predicted YES
@ian Another problem (and probably why I click on the title instead) is that ctrl+click on notifications do not work. I would want to be able to mass open my notifications to see them in context one by one. (This would be mostly solved if notification gave more context)
@JoyVoid ctrl/dmc+click should work now!
sold Ṁ50 of YES
Under the new resolution criteria, I'd say 35%, though a lot of them I don't mind skipping quickly
35% - forgot the formatting
(Though I should note that this question is very different from the one first asked)
@JoyVoid Hm I guess I thought it was how everyone was answering the original question