Will Donovan Sharpe Physically Attack OR Threaten Destiny on the night of their debate @ Fresh & Fit?
resolved Jan 2

Physical Attacks can be anything from a light but ill intended/intentional push to a punch in the face or worse. Basically if Donovan aggresses on Destiny and invades his personal space in order to make physical contact. Simply walking by him and accidentally bumping into him because it's crowded will be evaluated as "NO".

Threats may include directed and sincere physical threats to his person, to any of his friends or family such as "I'll do x to your wife if you don't shut the fuck up" or things of that nature. A threat to deplatform or negatively impact Destiny economically will also be considered a threat. Jokes or on-topic hypotheticals are not considered threats. Indirect threats and in cases where Destiny might respond "is that a threat?" and Donovan replying "it's not a threat it's a promise", or something to that nature are considered threats.

I'll refrain from betting, and will resolve with my own discretion if there is a physical contact or ambiguous threat that is hard to determine. As long as the intentions are clear the result will be clear. Let me know if I should include more clauses for these 2 categories.

Will resolve the day after the podcast unless something happens during, just in case something happens right after the podcast.

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Just to be clear, if this debate is never rescheduled/never happens by December 31st it will resolved to No correct? Because I'm pretty confident Donovan won't reschedule at this point, man is a lil bitch.

Seems to be scheduled in 5 days?

Destiny said he backed out.

predicted NO

https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=i54j4cu9pl4270asok3mqgdrhk@group.calendar.google.com the debate never ended up happening and it hasn't been rescheduled yet.

Has he ever done anything like that before?

@huhu What if he says "I'll do X to your wife" but jokingly? Does intent matter here or is it more about how it's perceived?

@Simon1551 A threat is different from a joke, similarly if he accidentally pushes Destiny or makes physical contact because it's crowded and he's trying to pass him, it will be clear that his intentions were not to physically attack Destiny. Similarly if they're talking hypotheticals like "ok but imagine if all of us just ran a train on your girl, wouldn't that upset you?" is not a threat. A joke would be just as apparent imo. Thus a threat must be directed and sincere, using irony doesn't count. I feel like all of us will know it if we see it.

Further, I'll intent would be if he's aggressively invading Destinys personal space in order to make physical contact such as a push / shoulder bump / slap etc

@huhu So yeah, intent matters but ultimately it's our perception of how he says it that matters since we can't prove intent. Still I feel like nobody would get mad if he only said a joke about destinys wife and I resolved "NO".

I'll remain unbiased in order to make as objective of a determination as possible.