Will manifolds ad section start filtering out ads you've already seen?
resolved Jun 1

Currently, if you watch ads, you will be presented with a lot of ads you've already seen, and when you try to claim the reward, you get an error message and no mana. Will manifold change/fix this by the end of May?

Resolves yes if this happens by MAY. Resolves NO otherwise.

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Seems less likely now that they've introduced the Boost feature to replace ads.

Pleeeease remove ads-ive-already-seen (or at least ones I've interacted with already) from the ad queue

bought แน€100 of NO

@hmys Does it resolve tomorrow ?

predicted NO

oh no, nevermind

God i hope so, tired of skipping the ones ive seen cuz im broke

bought แน€100 of YES

i hate bots

No because this is one of the main incentives to spend money on ads.

bought แน€30 of NO

@DuJsuss I think this could be false. I don't watch the ads anymore because 80% of the ads I see are ones I've seen before. I think 1 view per person could make more people want to watch ads because it would be more enjoyable.

I also think what you are saying, if true, is true only now because there are so few people creating ads. If there were enough of them people wouldn't be cycling through ads they've already seen regardless of whether old ads are shown again.

@hmys start a protest

predicted NO

@DuJsuss I will. I can't stand for this. People are dying out there........ viva la revolucรญone!