Will I get to Ruby Palace?

I'm doing an online math class called OTIS where if you do a lot of math you can reach level 100 which is called "Ruby Palace"

I am currently at level 55 ๐Ÿ’€

Update: This will almost definitely resolve no since I don't think I'll do OTIS next year

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its so joever im losing all my money.

bought แน€10 YES

@hannah any updates?

@nathanwei I haven't made much progress and I probably won't do OTIS next year but I haven't decided this for certain

are you going to do otis next year?


i'm at 56 xooks

predicts YES

wya rn

predicts YES

@astyerche level 55 ๐Ÿ’€

bought แน€10 NO from 71% to 68%
predicts YES

would you like some more charisma

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