Conditional on one of these people winning the US election, which will it be? [Trump/Biden/Newsom/RFK/Haley/Desantis]
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
Gavin Newsom
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Nikki Haley
Ron DeSantis

Resolves on inauguration day [January 20th, 2025] to whoever gets inaugurated. However, if the winner is called by AP and the challenger(s) concede, that is sufficient to resolve this market.

If none of these six people is the winner of the US presidential election, this market will be cancelled and all trades reversed. It is not possible to add new options (Like Kamala Harris) to this market.

Please refer to this other market for the full, unconditional odds:

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Per a discussion in the mod channel, we're making this a conditional market so it's not in perpetual unlisted limbo.

bought Ṁ1,000 Donald Trump YES

So... does this N/A? I think it should. Alternatively, if biden drops out, it would shot up to ~100% trump lol

Maybe we can wait until the election and NA this if it's not one of the people listed?

I think it should NA regardless of whether it's one of the people listed. Otherwise it amounts to interpreting the question as "conditional that the winner is one of the people listed ...", which doesn't agree with how the question was written or how people would have interpreted their bets (e.g. I bet NO on Biden because the market prob for him felt too high, but his conditional prob wasn't) -- and it also screws up scoring for short-term bets (buy then sell off your position before it resolves).

I agree with Timothy Johnson. We should try not to N/A questions. Especially now with Biden 70% to win the nomination.


Warning for new traders: This market lacks some probable options; notably, Kamala Harris. This means the market probability doesn't correctly correspond to the probabilities of each option winning the election. I recommend that you trade on other equivalent (but not broken) markets instead, such as this one:

I just unlisted this market. No sense having it appear in browse if it's "broken".

if he boosts it again will unlisted prevent it from being displayed? I think this gets views because of boosts

edit: seems like you can't boost unlisted questions! good!

Need to fix this market now that Kamala is an actual option, this is ridiculous

why does this market have 3k traders when there are so many better dupes lol

Arbitrage? That's why I'm here, anyway

bought Ṁ500 Joe Biden NO

hmmmmmmmmm pretty bad

you can't even arb because the probabilities are wrong because some options aren't present and if they happened this market might N/A or something which would be a bummer

why does this market have 3k traders when there are so many better dupes lol

Because the author pumped it full of an insane amount of subsidy + boost.

true, but I don't think we should wreck the title like that

I think it’s great

bought Ṁ1,000 Donald Trump YES


I think this market would be vastly improved with a couple small changes to help make sure traders' expectations are not fooled by the small pool of candidates:

  1. The title should explicitly mention that there is only a select pool of candidates listed.

  1. The title and/or description should specify how the market resolves if none of these candidates wins.

Without changes like this, I think this market is going to cause confusion for users. I think my favorite suggestion is to change the title to something more like "Which of the listed candidates will win the 2024 US Presidential Election? (N/A if other)", and also add a note in the description about that.

It seems like in most cases this is expected to play out in a straightforward manner, but there are certainly potential outcomes where one candidate in this market is at 90% while he's at ~50% in a different market. And other weird stuff.

@getby what do you think? I know there is a mechanism where Manifold is able to 'take control' of markets if they think they need it, but it isn't used super often.

@getby How will this question resolve if someone not on the list wins?

@Irigi this is now at least the third time this question has been asked. Creator seems to be (mostly) inactive. At what point do we need to seek moderator input?

Can we tell whether it's even possible to add more options to this market? Is NA the only option?

@Fion in markets where more options can be added there's always an "other" option. This market doesn't have one, so we can deduce that it is impossible to add more options.

@Fion in markets where more options can be added there's always an "other" option. This market doesn't have one, so we can deduce that it is impossible to add more options.


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